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While we remain heartbroken and devastated by the news from Israel, we know Israel needs us now more than ever!

We must come together as one unified community to stand strong with our cherished homeland and harness all resources at our disposal to support and advocate for Israel in any and all ways. 


Below are:

Of course, this is also an incredibly difficult time for all of us. If there is anything you need, please know we are here for you. If there is anything we can do to help or if you would just like to talk, please don't hesitate to reach out to Rabbi Tuvia Brander (cell: 561-271-4148).


YIWH Community Member, Jesse Rosenblit on Fox-CT Describing Life in Israel (Aired August 20, 2014)

Communal Solidarity Events

Twenty Minutes For Israel From Israel

Trying to stay connected to Israel? Want to get a sense of what's happening on the ground? 

Join us at 12:30 PM each day, Monday - Thursday, for a 20 minute snapshot from Israel profiling different people operating on the ground in Israel and sharing their perspective on the mood, what's happening, what they are working on, and what we need to know here across the globe. 

Join on Zoom at

Click here for the Twenty Minutes For Israel (TMFI) webpage.



Solidarity Rally For Israel (10/9/23)

On Monday (10/9/23), approximately 1,000 friends and neighbors, Jews and non-Jews,  joined together to make our voices heard in unwavering support for our brothers and sisters in Israel at the Jewish Federation's Solidarity Rally for Israel. Our community was joined by local legislators and community leaders as well as Gov. Lamont, and Senators Blumenthal and Murphy. Special thank you to the Jewish Federation for convening the rally.

Rabbi Brander was asked to be one of the speakers representing the Jewish community. His full remarks can be read here.

Here are some links to the media coverage:
Hartford Courant    CT Insider    CT Mirror    WFSB


Solidarity & Solace: A Community Vigil For Israel

The Greater Hartford Rabbinical Association invites the community to gather as one! Tuesday, Oct. 24 from 7:30 - 8:15 PM. Doors open at 7 PM at the Emanuel Synagogue. Livestream available. 

Security will be present.


YIWH Community Member, Jesse Rosenblit on Fox-CT Describing Life in Israel (Aired August 20, 2014)

Ways To Support Israel NOW!!

1. Daven For Our Soldiers!

If you have a family member currently serving in the IDF, please click here to fill out their names (Hebrew names only – no English names and no last names for security and privacy reasons) so that we as a community can daven for them. 

Here is the list of soldiers from our community to keep close in your tefilot and prayers: CLICK HERE


2. Medical Volunteers

Nefesh B’Nefesh, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the Israeli Medical Association, is creating a database of international physicians willing to volunteer in Israel during this challenging time.



3. Challah Bake Initiative

Help bake Challah for families in our community who could appreciate an extra hug right now AND use the opportunity to say special prayers for those who are in need of our tefilot while performing the mitzvah of hafrashat challah (separating the Challah).

Coordinated by Andrea Werner. Please contact her with questions, requests or thoughts at 


4. Put Up A Lawn Sign

Tragically, there are over 100 Israelis being held in Gaza after being abducted from their homes and communities. We need to continue to focus the world's attention on this horrible situation and, we, the community outside of Israel, are uniquely suited to raise awareness and support for those hostages!

As part of an international initiative, these lawn signs (pictured above) were created by Yitzchak Brander (R' Brander's brother) with this aim in mind. His vision is to both display these signs and place yellow ribbons outside our homes and businesses. 

They are being printed and sold across the country. We have 100 being printed locally and will be distributing them for $10/sign (to cover the printing costs).

To reserve your sign, please CLICK HERE and complete the google form. 


5. Let Israelis Know We Care!

Choose someone every day in Israel -- friend or family -- and call them! Tell them you want to let them we care about them and we support them!


6. PRAY! Add Extra Tefilot

At the conclusion of each minyan, we will be adding Psalm 130. Try to join us for a minyan and try to recite an extra Psalm over the course of the day.   

7. Upcoming Events & Programs

Shabbat Afternoon Shmira Project: Join at 4:50 PM this Shabbat Afternoon, October 14th, for 45 minutes of communal learning in support and for the merit of protection of our soldiers on the front lines.Together, we will explore the role of the Land of Israel inJewish law and Jewish peoplehood. Each person will begiven the name of a soldier mobilized from ourcommunity and from Even Shmuel to learn in honor ofand in support of.

20 Minutes For Israel From Israel: Insights from Israelis on the Ground. --- Beginning Sunday, each day next week at 12:30 PM, we will be hosting individuals from Israel to share a brief snapshot into what's happening on the ground in Israel. Guests will include a logistics coordinator for elite Duvdevan unit, friends working to help raise awareness for the missing hostages, representatives from Hatzalah and others.

Young Israel Youth Stand With Israel
Come create Israeli Flags and write letters to Israeli soldiers & citizens in support for Israel.
Sunday, October 22, 2023 @ 9 AM at Young Israel of West Hartford
Coffee and hot cocoa will be served. Open to kids of all ages.


YIWH Community Member, Jesse Rosenblit on Fox-CT Describing Life in Israel (Aired August 20, 2014)


Vetted Charities and Projects

**NOTE OF CAUTION -- While it is very tempting to run drives for supplies here in America, it is far more effective and cost efficient to send money for those supplies to be purchased in Israel. Items should only be purchased here if it is clear that they are not available in Israel. Plus, beyond the complicated logistics of getting it to Israel, with the limited flights going back and forth, every pound is precious and would be best used on strategic, tactical or other gear not available currently in Israel. 

  • Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford Emergency FundCLICK HERE to donate.

  • Mizrachi Emergency Relief (providing for soldiers in coordination with Army and government officials under guidance of Rabbi Rimon) - CLICK HERE to donate 

  • One Family (providing extensive services for families of victims of terror; they provided us with extensive support surrounding the death of Elan Ganeles z'l) -- CLICK HERE to donate

  • Young Israel Rabbinic Discretionary Fund - Rabbi Brander is hearing of a lot of small immediate needs - blankets, diapers, sleeping bags - to support both those displaced and those being called up to the army. To help respond to these needs rapidly -- Donate here: CLICK HERE or send a check to the YIWH office.

  • Duvdevan Support - The elite fighters of Duvdevan have put out a call that they are in need of 25 high-end backpacks. They need the equipment because while the army has enough up to date gear for active duty soldiers, many of the reservist backpacks were damaged in storage. The backpacks have broken straps and are disintegrating. While soldiers are repairing them as best they can, new ones would improve their ability to safely carry their gear. The total cost for all the backpacks needed will be close to $10,000. Miriam Brander has sourced these bags in America, coordinated their purchase and transport to Israel and is working on raising the funds to cover them. To help support this, donate using this link and be sure to include in the description of payment the word "backpacks" -- CLICK HERE to donate!




As Rabbi Brander shared, he continues to hear about credible immediate needs in Israel for those displaced by these heinous acts and those being called up for the army. 

This morning, he was made aware of the need for additional tourniquets for a unit of combat medics. With donations made and coming into the YIWH Rabbinic Discretionary Fund, we were able to support the purchase in Israel of 200 tourniquets for the medics (pictured below) -- enough to equip the entire unit.

We have also been able to support the immediate purchase of sleeping bags for soldiers on the front lines and to fund some basic supplies and needs for Ari Zackin's unit.


YIWH Community Member, Jesse Rosenblit on Fox-CT Describing Life in Israel (Aired August 20, 2014)

Political Activism

One easy way to support Israel is to contact our elected representatives, thank them for their support, and encourage them to do more. Please add your voice, urging them to do more to free the hostages (both those who are American citizens and those who are not!).

Please keep in mind that while any communication is helpful, phone calls and typed, personal messages sent in the mail are the most effective ways of communicating with our elected officials.

President Joe Biden

(click here for tips for sending a letter to the White House via snail mail)

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20500

White House comment line: (202) 456-1111

You can contact the White House via this online form.

Senator Richard Blumenthal

Senator Richard Blumenthal
90 State House Square
10th Floor
Hartford, CT 06103

Senator Richard Blumenthal
706 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510

Hartford office: (860) 258-6940
D.C. office: (202) 224-2823

You can contact Sen. Blumenthal's office via this online form.

Senator Chris Murphy

Senator Chris Murphy
Colt Gateway
120 Huyshope Avenue, Suite 401
Hartford, CT 06106

Senator Chris Murphy
136 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510

Hartford office: (860) 549-8463
D.C. office: (202) 224-4041

Sen. Murphy has a webpage dedicated to Israel. You can contact his office via this online form.

CT District #1 - Representative John Larson

Representative John Larson
361 Main Street, 3rd Floor
East Hartford, CT  06118

Representative John Larson
1501 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC  20515

Hartford office: (860) 278-8888
D.C. office: (202) 225-2265

Rep. John Larson has a webpage dedicated to Israel. You can contact his office via this online form.

CT District #5 - Representative Jahana Hayes

Representative Jahana Hayes
108 Bank Street
2nd Floor
Waterbury, CT 06702

Representative Jahana Hayes
2458 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Waterbury office: (860) 223-8412
D.C. office: (202) 225-4476

You can contact her office via this online form.

Don't live in the District 1 or District 5, or not sure who your representative is? Click here to find your elected officials.



1. Educate Yourself & Stay on top of the News!

Educating Yourself – Educating Your Neighbors

At times like this, many find themselves searching for answers, or information to help them make sense of everything. We have put together a preliminary list of resources for you to use with your family, your friends, and your children. We will continue to update this list as more information becomes available.

Places to get the latest news:

2. Resources For Children

Click here for a helpful video from Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox, Director of Chai Lifeline's Crisis Services, who gives guidance on how to talk to our children about these events.  

3. Mental Health Support & Services Provided by Jewish Family Services (JFS)


For Community Members:

  • If you are an individual seeking counseling services, please call JFS at 860-236-1927.
  • Using Mindfulness to Cope During Uncertain Times: Tuesday, October 10 from 6:00-7:00pm. Join our Community Mental Health Liaison to share virtual space and learn about mindfulness, grounding techniques, and other resources to manage stress. This is a virtual gathering geared towards adults. Send an email to for a link to join.
  • Support group for parents with children in Israel: Date and time TBD.
  • Israel at War: Managing Trauma, Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services.

For Parents, Educators of Children, and Youth:

A hotline for individuals in Israel to connect with a therapist was established by The Koby Mandell Foundation, working with the Israel Trauma Coalition. Hotline phone number: +972 52-520-6900 Please share this information with your loved ones in Israel.

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785